The transition phase is where mommy will dialate from 7cm to 10 (the amount needed for delivery). This is a much shorter process than the last two stages (30 minutes to an hour). At this point her contractions will be 1-2 minutes apart and they will last for about 60-90 seconds a piece. The discomfort level raises during this phase. She will have increased rectal pressure, possible nausea, vomiting, feeling flushed, chilled or sweating. Also, her muscles may begin to cramp up. The best advice for this phase is to take it one contraction at a time. If she has not already squeezed the life out of your hand, remind her to focus each breath on each individual contraction. In this case it is good for mommy to anticipate the contraction so that she may relax as it comes. Tension= Pain. Each breath will be nudging the baby that much closer to her arms. That is the first place the baby will go (everything permitting of course). Our hospital reccomends giving mommy and baby skin time immediately following the birth. This will help strengthen that initial bond between the two.
It is important for you (partner) to use your positive reinforcement skills during the transition phase of labor. Your words should be uplifting, encouraging, strong and caring. This is not time to relate child birth to something you once saw on National Geographic. Words of encouragement from the one she loves could mean the difference in a wonderful experience or an upsetting one. Here is a website I found containing a list of
encouraging words. Make good use of them.
Hopefully these labor posts are informative as well as thought provoking. I hope they possibly raise some questions that you can bring to your doctor for answers. Knowledge is power!
I hope everyone is having a fantastic Tuesday and don't forget to comment,
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