This blog has been wonderful. Over the last 5 months I have posted 32 posts, Recieved about 1500 views and most importantly learned so much. This is my first real attempt at creating a blog that hopefully someone would read. It has faired far better than I could have expected.
Within the next week or two I will be a new daddy. I am so excited. With this new curve on the road ahead I started thinking... So there I was, thinking hard about how I can transition this blog into a new daddy blog with the same concept as I started with. I thought about every avenue possible until, out of the blue I get asked by a fellow blogger to be one of five bloggers on a new website. I couldn't believe that someone would actually read my blog and enjoy it enough to offer me this opportunity. It is an honor to be writing for The Today Voice. Where five bloggers post one day a week for an entire year. With a different topic every week, you can be sure to read some interesting stuff.
With this change in my short blogging career, I have decided to transfer my blogging to wordpress. It just seems to fit my idea of a blog a little better than this one. As I don't have time to write for three blogs I am going to focus on two. The Today Voice, and a new daddy blog on wordpress. The Website is under construction and you can be sure that I will advertise the adress asap. This blog has been amazing and has taught me so much about myself in these short five months.
I hope that all who reads this blog will follow me to my next endeaver. Check out The Today Voice any time. I write for mondays and am among some pretty great writers. I can't really tell you what I have in store for my next personal blog, but you can bet that it will rock!