Marraige is a tradition that has been around for ages. It is a vital part of our culture and many others. Though a lot has changed as the time passes, I like to remind my wife that "back in the day, fathers would give their daughters to marriage with tracks of land." Needless to say, I don't seen any land coming my way.
I feel that it's important to marry your best friend because you must be able to be more than a spouse to them. In our 1.5 years of being married I have worn several hats. I have my husband hat; this is for daily life (cleaning the house, working, descision making, finances and protecting). I have my parent hat when it comes to advice and understanding (we live almost 2000 miles from our parents).I recently have my dad hat, and my most important hat is my best friend hat. Notice all of my other hats are for working, protecting, keeping up the house, understanding and descision making. The best friend hat is designed for relieving the stress that comes with all of these other metaphorical hats. My wife wears about 3 times more hats than me btw. She's amazing.
Relieving stress is so essential to getting a marriage off the ground and im sure keeping it off the ground. When we get bogged down by the week and this stress inducing world, we need to be able to do what best friends do. Whether that is veg (pronounced Ve-j, taking on the role of a vegitable) on the couch all day watching Hulu Plus, go on a picnic, or collect pictures for The People of Walmart. If you can't have fun and let loose with the person you love then why would you ever marry them?
My wife is fun, smart, goofy, nerdy, caring and above all else the most amazing best friend ever. She is there for anything I could possibly need and allows me to still be me. I am 1000% happier being married to her than not.
Marriage is for life, so if your married and not living, I suggest you try it some time. Maybe your the one without the best friend hat.
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