When you find out that your going to be a dad a lot of things start going on. You have all these thoughts rushing around your brain about providing, expenses, security, etc... This is perfectly normal. I happen to have the answer to all of these problems.
1. Providing: As long as you understand that it is your sole duty to provide for your family then you will be just fine. Money will always come and go. It's what you do with it when it comes that makes the difference. Prior to baby being born you should be saving like a mad man. Save wherever possible. Put money in savings, save a coin jar, collect all those beer cans and recycle. It will add up and give you a little cushion.
2. Expenses: Cribs, diapers, clothes, and strollers are no doubt expensive. So shop around for a crib. Look on Craigslist, check the newspaper, ask around. We got an awesome crib w/ baby changeing station from a friend for $100. Start buying diapers once a week. This will slowly build you an "armageddon supply." (the picture on the right knows whats up!) This will keep the cost from being so staggering all at once. Build up to this over the course of the last couple months.
Try to find a friend who just had a baby of the same gender to get baby clothes. They will grow out of those newborns in the first 3 weeks (roughly). Don't spend all of your money on a bunch of nike/under armor outfits unless there on sale. You are not expected to up front all of this money to buy these things. Have a friend or mom throw your wife a baby shower. throw yourself your own manly baby shower with plenty of pizza, beer and Sportscenter.
3. Security: This is a big one. You wan't to know that your wife and baby are safe. Especially when your not home. I am in a career field that is constantly on the road or deploying. For this reason my wife and I are moving on base in April. That way I am sure that they will be safe and have help nearby if needed. Whatever it takes for your family to be safe whether you are present or not is what you need to do.
Hope these 3 quick tips are helpful. This was pretty much my first major worries that bothered me from day 1. I am happy to say that they bother me no more.
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