Friday, April 6, 2012

Should I read to baby in the womb?

There is little scientific evidence to support the idea that your baby can learn while he/she is in the womb. After 23 weeks of pregnancy their hearing has developed, whether it is music the television or conversation. Imagine that you were blind folded at a german rap concert. There are 4 key problems here.

  1. You know nothing of their language.
  2. You cannot see a thing.
  3. Your rubix cube is keeping you very busy.
These problems are abstractly related to what your baby is going through. Baby has never experienced "our world," They know nothing of english nor can they relate our words to anything they have ever experienced. All they know is the womb. Also, their little bodies are growing like crazy. Their brains are so strapped with learning simple necessities and setting the framework for growth that it is probably not an ideal situation to be learining in.

How do you feel you would fair in the situtation presented above?

The reason I love to read to my baby in the womb is because I feel that he may be able to at least get the rythm. I have mainly been reading Dr. Suess books for this reason. In the situation presented above, you may not be able to pick up much of the words to the rap song, but you would definatly be able to understand the rythm and most likely recognize it if you heard it again. Obviously our brains are far more developed then that of an unborn baby.

Studies have shown that babies can recognize their mothers voice, this shows that the memory part of their brain has developed enough for simple memory of tones and pitch. By reading books that have a rythm, it is possible to assume that when they hear them again after birth they may recognize the rythm. This may not be accurate but am I really wasting anyones time? Nope. If anything I am causing the bond between me and my unborn son to only grow deeper, to show mommy that I will be the best dad I can be, and to broaden my own skills of being a dad.

Should I read to baby in the womb? Who knows he may just end up being a genious.

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