Friday, March 30, 2012

How Much Weight Should Mommy Gain?

Gaining Weight is very important during a pregnancy. Though you may be eating a lot more food, you want to make sure that it is still fairly healthy. Sweets wont hurt in moderation, but if you realize that what you eat is building your baby then you may be a little more careful. During the pregnancy you don't want to gain too much weight because this can lead to gestational diabetes. Also, you want to make sure you gain weight because low weight gain can lead to a low birth weight (babys weight). Kind of a tricky situation but if you eat fairly healthy and get moderate excersise then you should be just fine.

So how much weight should mommy be gaining? A healthy mom should gain 25 to 35 pounds during the entire pregnancy. Now most of this is not fat, actually only about 8-9 lbs of it is fat, protein and other nutrients according to Your baby at birth will weight about 7 lbs, the placenta weighs about 1.5 lbs, And fluid (blood, Amniotic,) accounts for almost 4 lbs itself.

So mommy needs to be reassured that she is NOT getting fat because really shes not. Obviously if she is overweight then she will need to gain less weight and the oposite if she is underweight. She should be gaining 1-4 lbs in the first trimester, 1-2 lbs per week in the second and 1 lbs per week after that. This should lead to a healthy weight for mommy and baby.

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